You’ve probably played at least one kingdom builder before, but have you ever played one set on a bunch of floating islands? In this early look at Driftland: The Magic Revival, which hit Steam Early Access on November 29, I show off some Human and Night Elf gameplay while explaining the basics and moving around entire islands with sheer magic.
Mutant Football League Review
It’s fast, it’s hilarious, and boy is it violent. But is it any good? Watch and find out whether the long-awaited spiritual successor to the Sega Genesis’s Mutant League Football scores a touchdown or fumbles the ball away.
Cuphead First Impressions
Sharing my thoughts on Cuphead, a brutally difficult indie platformer designed to look and sound just like an old 1930s cartoon.
Sega Genesis Classic Game Console Review
A review of AtGames’ Sega Genesis Classic Game Console which includes 80 built-in games.
Rage Review

Every PC gamer who’s been around the block at least once or twice knows and respects id Software. From Wolfenstein to Doom to even Quake, this once tiny Texas-based developer has produced some of the most influential, ground breaking first person shooter franchises the PC platform has ever seen. For some, however, that all came crashing down in late 2004 when id Software released Doom 3. Despite its graphical prowess, the highly anticipated sequel to one of PC gaming’s most coveted franchises disappointed thousands of fans with its tedious, predictable gameplay and pitch black environments. It almost seemed as though id Software just no longer had that “magic” ability to produce one smash hit after another. Now, in 2011, id Software is making a comeback and taking a huge gamble by releasing their first in-house multiplatform retail game in seven years. And to beat it all, it’s based on a brand new IP. In comes Rage.
5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Act of Aggression
Despite being one of the most promising real-time strategy games in years, Act of Aggression has almost everything going against it. It’s in a genre that’s been barren for nearly a decade, it hasn’t been marketed worth a lick, it’s exclusive to PC, and it’s being released on September 2 alongside such juggernauts as Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain and Mad Max. Whatever you do, though, please don’t let those things deter you; because if you’re a fan of strategy games, you absolutely must check out Eugen Systems’ latest offering. Here are five reasons why.
Continue reading 5 Reasons Why You Should Care About Act of Aggression
Mutant League Football is the Best Sports Game Ever Made

Let’s face it: these days, sports games suck. Not only are they completely devoid of personality, but they’re also bogged down in annual cycles that leave no room for innovation and guarantee that if you’ve played one, you’ve played them all. EA Sports’ Madden franchise is most guilty of this, but 2K Sports’ NBA 2K franchise isn’t much better. Believe it or not, however, there was once a time in which sports games were actually creative, innovative, and incredibly fun to play. Perhaps even more difficult to believe is that Electronic Arts pioneered such games with efforts like their sadly short-lived Mutant League sports franchise on the Sega Genesis.
Continue reading Mutant League Football is the Best Sports Game Ever Made
Rise of Nations Revisited

Have you ever gone digging through your closet only to rediscover a classic game that you never really played or appreciated quite as much as you should have? I did just that a couple weeks ago, and since then I’ve been lost in pausable real-time strategy heaven. That’s right, pausable real-time strategy. Meet Rise of Nations, winner of multiple 2003 Game of the Year awards and one of the greatest, most sadly underappreciated and overlooked real-time strategy games of all time.
The Playstation Vita’s Software Sucks
Since the Playstation Vita’s arrival in February of 2012, I’ve been woefully disappointed by its software, especially given the system’s design and capabilities. Sure, we’ve had some great games–Uncharted brought the console experience to a handheld and looked fantastic, Gravity Rush was an awesome, dizzying adventure, Killzone was by far the best shooter on a handheld yet, and Tearaway was a charming, creative title unlike any other. But as most of us know, the smash hits have been far and few between. Uncharted and Gravity Rush were available at or shortly after launch, for example, whereas Killzone and Tearaway didn’t release until late 2013, almost two years later.
Crysis Revisited

The last time I completed Crysis was way back in 2007, just a couple days after it released. At the time, my PC — equipped with a dual-core AMD processor, two gigs of RAM, and an Nvidia 8800 GTX — struggled to maintain playable frame rates even at Medium settings across the board and at a paltry resolution of 1280×1024. Although I occasionally reinstalled Crysis to benchmark new hardware, I never once sat down to truly appreciate or invest much time into Crytek’s landmark shooter after my first playthrough. That all changed a couple weeks ago when an old Crysis thread on a forum I frequent was bumped, followed by a surge of activity. It was as if someone had awakened a sleeping giant. Excited by the prospect of finally being able to crank up the graphics and maintain playable frame rates, I dug through my closet, located (and dusted off) my boxed copy, then installed the game and fired it up for one last hurrah.